Both teams played an amazing game. I, pitcher for the Voorhees College Softball Team, felt that the game against Morris College was the best we ever played. We actually competed and Morris Lady Hornets Softball team gave us a run for our money.

Second game we started off great and was leading three to zero. However, the next inning Morris College took over the second inning and scored 13 runs. We were next to bat after a long three up three down. We took advantage of the pitcher tiredness and got on bag plenty of times.
Before they earned three outs the score was 30 to 13. The Lady Tigers had made a comeback. Everyone was shock and we were even surprised, but it was a team effort for that successful win. Also, check out this website for helpful tips in winning softball.
I say all this to say even when one is down and out and feel like he or she can't conquer a desire goal, you will never know until you try. Put your best foot forward and strive to get the win. The win could be getting an A in a class or getting the dream job you wanted.