Voorhees College, VC, is located in Denmark, S.C and Morris College, MOCO, is located in Sumter, S.C. These schools are not near by, however the distance between them is about an hour and thirty minutes. When any games are played at each school, the administration tends to provided transportation to the games because this is where it's time to have school pride and time for the teams to show up and show out.
Since a freshmen here at Voorhees College, the games between Morris were always intense. They seem to bring everyone out to enjoy the show as well as encourage students to cheer for their home team.
Rivalries tend to make the school hype. Rivalry games or events will always be something a student remembers because it will always leave an ever lasting expression, good or bad.

For instance, I can still remember the time we, Voorhees College Softball Team, travel to Morris for a game. The fans were ruthless. They taunted, picked, and annoyed us the entire game. However, it raised our intensity and drive, which led us to come out with a win in the end. No feelings were truly hurt because at the end of the game everyone shook hands and went about their day. No grudges, no love lost, just experiences and friends gained.
You can see rivalries aren't necessarily done to be spiteful or to dislike the other team. Rivalries are to make your experience in school more memorable. It is also used as motivation for the players and inspiration for others to get involved. This rivalry between Morris College and the home team Voorhees College will probably never die, but if it does a new school will not be ready for our Tiger Pride.