Today at Voorhees College 16 bright scholars were inducted into Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society. 7 juniors and 9 seniors were inducted on this afternoon. Many of them with different majors, yet the same goal. Few family and friends came out to support their friends, love ones, and classmates.
The program acknowledged the individuals, juniors and seniors, who has put forth the effort to stand out among the rest of Voorhees College students. They have made many sacrifices to get to this point of success and sacrifices are necessary in order to achieve in college.

I advise everyone who are in college or plan to go, dedication and sacrifice is the key. Dedication is the drive you must have for your goal. Sacrifice the things that aren't necessary or will not prepare you for success. You cannot underestimate yourself. Give yourself no limit and reach beyond getting okay grades. Reach for the best and strive to be better then the rest. I leave you with this quote stated by Jesse Owen, "we all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort."